
Test coverage shows 0.00%

tinder-quemarsekalantary opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi! We're using the danger plugin and we're having an intermittent problem where it says that test coverage for our app (and all files) is 0.00%. It seems to happen for about half of all builds

Here's the log from Danger (running on CircleCI) for a case where it showed 0.00% -> seems like it shows success?

[12:15:38]: $ xcodebuild -showBuildSettings -workspace Projects/Tinder.xcworkspace -scheme Tinder
[12:15:53]: ▸ Loading...
[12:15:53]: ▸ ------ xcov-core ------
[12:15:53]: ▸ Opening .xccoverage file at path: (path here)
[12:15:54]: ▸ Parsing .xccoverage file...
[12:15:55]: ▸ File successfully parsed
[12:15:55]: ▸ Serializing coverage report...
[12:15:56]: ▸ Report successfully serialized
[12:15:56]: ▸ Writing report on disk...
[12:15:56]: ▸ Coverage report successfully created at path:  (path)