
UnexpectedResponse fetching dev profiles with wildcard app id (0646936c4042f6081cae3c56c8a535a3)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

$ sigh -u jjulian@xxxx -b xxxxx -a "com.xxxxxx.*" --development

|                  Summary for sigh 1.3.1                   |
| adhoc                               | false               |
| skip_install                        | false               |
| development                         | true                |
| force                               | false               |
| app_identifier                      | com.xxxxxxx.*       |
| username                            | jjulian@xxxxxxx     |
| team_id                             | xxx                 |
| ignore_profiles_with_different_name | false               |
| skip_fetch_profiles                 | false               |
| skip_certificate_verification       | false               |

[11:24:55]: Starting login with user 'jjulian@xxx'
[11:25:01]: Successfully logged in
[11:25:01]: Fetching profiles...
Successfully submitted a crash report. If this is a problem with one of the tools specifically,
please submit an issue on GitHub and attach the following number to it: '0646936c4042f6081cae3c56c8a535a3'
The crash report has been stored locally '/tmp/sentry_0646936c4042f6081cae3c56c8a535a3.json'
/Users/jonathanjulian/.rbenv/versions/2.2.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/spaceship-0.19.0/lib/spaceship/portal/portal_client.rb:318:in `download_certificate': [!] Couldn't download certificate, got this instead: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> (Spaceship::Client::UnexpectedResponse)

I didn't have admin privileges; that might have been the issue.

This issue was migrated to fastlane/fastlane#2856. Please post all further comments there.

fastlane is now a mono repo, you can read more about the change in our blog post. All tools are now available in the fastlane main repo 🚀