
Fastlane update to 2.120

FinHorsley opened this issue ยท 6 comments

Are there any plans to update the Fastlane version to 2.120 when #14545 is uploaded to Fastlane RubyGem?

fastlane 2.120.0 is already published.

Doesn't the app also already use it?

gem 'fastlane', '>= 2.117.1', '< 3.0.0'

Is it as simple as running bundle update then to move to 2.120?

It might be. Never used or developer for boarding, so I can't really help here. Did you try it?

Unfortunately, Boarding still seems to be broken even when using Fastlane 2.120.0.

Interesting note, if I drop the ITC_APP_TESTER_GROUPS variable it will deply and work just fine.

Got a PR up for fixing this ^^ ๐Ÿ’ช