
App Store Connect API documentation missing download_dsyms

bdrelling opened this issue Β· 3 comments

Documentation for Using App Store Connect API does not include info on download_dsyms, which makes the usage misleading.

If pem is included as No/No under Supported Actions/Tools, I would have expected to see download_dsyms with the same information.

I would have opened this as a Pull Request, but I assumed there may be a reason why and wanted to raise as an issue first. I'm also not sure if there are other App Store Connect-related actions that could be included in this list for completion.

Thank you!

Hey @bdrelling πŸ‘‹

It's not documented because App Store Connect API doesn't offer APIs for the download_dsyms action yet. We'll have to wait until Apple adds support for this. πŸ™

Thank you for bringing this up, though!

Ah gotcha, that's a good point ye. Document at least that it's not supported, and how users can workaround. I see value in that πŸ‘ Would you like opening a PR to make that improvement @bdrelling? πŸ˜ƒ