
New documentation

KrauseFx opened this issue · 1 comments

Until now, all fastlane related docs are in the fastlane main repo.

The documentation of each of the tools was spread around the main repo, and it was hard for new users to understand fastlane, and how to get started.

We set out to think of a concept for, a separate website, for all the documentation... unified.

The goal is to have a much more stream lined onboarding flow for new users. Instead of grouping docs by tool (which have ridiculous names sometimes sigh), we group the documentation around use-cases, e.g.

  • Screenshots
  • Beta Distribution
  • App Store Distribution

A few more notes:

  • You can now search the docs
  • Using mkdocs, all things are still markdown based, so we could easily switch to a different system if we wanted
  • We will use danger to verify a few things
    • No pages can be removed, you must always do a redirect instead to not cause dead links
    • No dead links within the site
    • Auto deploy to gh-pages branch

Alright, we got the project running, let's do this 🚀