
Is scan or run_tests the preferred command?

macblazer opened this issue · 1 comments

This page specifically says the scan description is "Alias for the run_tests action". However, it also has the run_tests description as "Easily run tests of your iOS app (via scan)". This is a circular reference, and it is confusing.

The details page for scan at has a first line of "Alias for the run_tests action" but then it has a very detailed description with screenshots and lots of words all about fastlane scan. However, most of the examples call run_tests instead of scan. Again, this is a confusing mix of scan and run_tests.

The details page for run_tests at looks pretty much like a full copy of the scan docs page except for the first line which is "Easily run tests of your iOS app (via scan)". Again, a confusing mix of scan and run_tests.

Which one of these commands is the preferred usage? That preferred usage page should be updated as much as possible to only refer to the preferred usage. The other details page should be reduced to a simple link to the preferred usage page.

I'm happy to take on the work of updating these few pages to better clarify what the intended/preferred public command is for running the tests.

There is no really preferred version right now.

We have to do a much bigger cleanup before we can fully switch from scan (which is the older action) to run_tests (which is the newer one). That cleanup covers all actions and tools and is a massive undertaking, that we are currently not keen on tackling.