
Doc recommends Apple ID without 2FA enabled but doesn't say how

fdstevex opened this issue · 3 comments

Referring to:

"The easiest way to get fastlane running on a CI system is to create a separate Apple ID that doesn't have 2-factor authentication enabled"

It may be the "easiest" way but there's no description of how to do it, and as far as I can tell it's currently impossible? If there is a way, I haven't discovered it.

I spent a decent amount of time on the phone with Apple Support (Developer and Apple ID) over the last week, and they came to the conclusion that it is no longer possible as of a very recent date (existing Apple IDs were grandfathered in)

I'm trying to determine if it's possible through the Apple Business Manager. That's the only avenue I have left to try. Anyone know if you can create a Managed Apple ID through that without 2FA and use it with Fastlane for CI?

We've set up our company with Apple Business Manager, and I can confirm it's not possible to create an Apple ID without 2FA through that route either.