
download_dsyms doesn't check for 3 level version number.

userException opened this issue · 1 comments

lane :upload_symbols do
version: 'latest',
wait_for_dsym_processing: 'true'

This lane works when the version number for my app is 1.0, 2.0, X.0.

Let's say I uploaded 1.0.1 version to testflight, then it still checks for latest version for 1.0. Here is the log:

After uploading to testflight:

Successfully finished processing the build 1.0.1 - 6 for IOS

But on upload_symbols step:

out: [02:52:41]: Login successful
35 out: [02:52:44]: Looking for latest version...
36 out: +------------------+--------------------+
37 out: | Lane Context |
38 out: +------------------+--------------------+
39 out: | DEFAULT_PLATFORM | ios |
41 out: | PLATFORM_NAME | ios |
42 out: | LANE_NAME | ios upload_symbols |
43 out: +------------------+--------------------+
44 out: [02:52:44]: Could not find latest build for version 1.0
45 out:

Please submit this issue (if it's still valid) to the repo instead. Thank you!