
gym export_options : {method} resolves into empty string

Erodotos opened this issue · 2 comments

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Issue Description

I am using build_app function to build an iOS app. The execution fails due to the following error:

There seems to be a mismatch between your provided `export_method` in gym
and the selected provisioning profiles. You passed the following options:

The export method seems to be resolved as an empty string or a " " character.

The weird think is that "Summary for gym 2.219.0" shows a correct input with all values completed as expected. For disclosure I tried executing with method being "ad-hoc" or "app-store".

Is there any reason for gym translating the input to an empty string?

Command executed
            team_id: options[:team_id],
            profile_name: options[:provisioning_profile],
            code_sign_identity: options[:code_sign_identity]
            build_number: ENV["BUILD_NUMBER"]
            derived_data_path: options[:derived_data_path],
            workspace: options[:workspace],
            scheme: options[:scheme],
            include_symbols: true,
            toolchain: "com.guardsquare.ixguard",
            output_directory: options[:output_directory],
            output_name: options[:output_name],
            clean: true,
            export_options: {
                teamID: options[:team_id],
                method: 'app-store'
Complete output when running fastlane, including the stack trace and command used
There seems to be a mismatch between your provided `export_method` in gym
[17:39:20]: and the selected provisioning profiles. You passed the following options:
[17:39:20]:   export_method:      
[17:39:20]:   Bundle identifier:
[17:39:20]:   Profile name: AppStore
[17:39:20]:   Profile type:       app-store

Great post. It was much needed. Love your simplistic style of explanation. dgcustomerfirst survey

Removing this line of code solved my issue.


Looks like there was double definition of signing identity which was causing the issue