
Match CLI Doc wrong?

AF-tl opened this issue · 1 comments

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According to the docs the cli parameters should be added like this:

Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 09 50 27

See CLI Section under:
or Code:

But those parameters don't seem to be considered.

What seems to work is using two dashes syntax:
fastlane match development --app_identifier "my.bundle.identifier"

But the docs don't mention that. Should we update the docs?

Command executed

fastlane match development app_identifier:"my.bundle.identifier"

Complete output when running fastlane, including the stack trace and command used

To not be asked about this value, you can specify it using 'app_identifier'
[09:45:53]: The bundle identifier(s) of your app (comma-separated string or array of strings):

If you're encountering issues with a CLI (Command Line Interface) documentation, it's essential to identify the specific problems you're facing so they can be addressed. Here are some common issues you might encounter with CLI documentation:

  1. Incorrect Commands: The documentation might contain commands that are incorrect or outdated, leading to confusion or errors when users try to execute them. MyBalanceNow

  2. Missing Information: Some essential information might be missing from the documentation, such as required parameters, options, or usage examples, making it difficult for users to use the CLI effectively.

  3. Inconsistent Formatting: Inconsistencies in formatting or organization can make the documentation harder to follow. For example, inconsistent use of syntax highlighting or unclear section headings.

  4. Ambiguity or Confusion: The documentation might be unclear or ambiguous, leaving users unsure about how to perform certain tasks or interpret specific instructions.

  5. Lack of Examples: Examples are often crucial for understanding how to use a CLI effectively. If the documentation lacks examples or provides insufficient examples, users may struggle to use the CLI correctly.

If you've encountered any of these issues or others with a CLI documentation, it's a good idea to provide feedback to the documentation maintainers. This feedback can help them improve the documentation for future users. Additionally, if you need assistance understanding or using a specific CLI command, feel free to ask for help, and I'll do my best to assist you!