
[Sigh] Creating tvos provisioning profile fails when fetching devices.

MartinGonzalez opened this issue · 1 comments

New Regression Checklist

Regression Information

  • Breaking version: 2.218.0, 2.219.0
  • Last working version: 2.217.0

Regression Description

When retying to retrieve or create a tvos provisioning profile it fails with the following error:

"errors" : [ {
    "id" : "207e0451-d14d-4c5a-8507-cdb14cf776af",
    "status" : "400",
    "title" : "A parameter has an invalid value",
    "detail" : "A parameter 'filter[platform]' has an invalid value : 'Empty filter values are not supported.'",
    "source" : {
      "parameter" : "filter[platform]"
  } ]

These are the options I'm using (I just renamed some of them)

|                                          Summary for sigh 2.218.0                                           |
| username                            |                                                 |
| skip_install                        | true                                                                  |
| skip_certificate_verification       | true                                                                  |
| force                               | true                                                                  |
| cert_id                             | MY_CERT_ID                                                            |
| platform                            | tvos                                                                  |
| team_id                             | MY_TEAM_ID                                                            |
| app_identifier                      |                                |
| provisioning_name                   | Game Name Adhoc                            |
| filename                            | ../GameName/tvos_appstore_adhoc.mobileprovision |
| adhoc                               | true                                                                  |
| developer_id                        | false                                                                 |
| development                         | false                                                                 |
| include_mac_in_profiles             | false                                                                 |
| ignore_profiles_with_different_name | false                                                                 |
| skip_fetch_profiles                 | false                                                                 |
| include_all_certificates            | false                                                                 |
| readonly                            | false                                                                 |
| fail_on_name_taken                  | false                                                                 |
Complete output when running fastlane, including the stack trace and command used
from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/fastlane-2.218.0/spaceship/lib/spaceship/connect_api/provisioning/client.rb:61:in `proxy_get'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/fastlane-2.218.0/spaceship/lib/spaceship/connect_api/provisioning/client.rb:29:in `get'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/fastlane-2.218.0/spaceship/lib/spaceship/connect_api/provisioning/provisioning.rb:170:in `get_devices'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/rubies/ruby-3.0.0/lib/ruby/3.0.0/forwardable.rb:238:in `get_devices'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/fastlane-2.218.0/spaceship/lib/spaceship/connect_api/models/device.rb:56:in `all'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/fastlane-2.218.0/spaceship/lib/spaceship/connect_api/models/device.rb:113:in `devices_for_platform'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/fastlane-2.218.0/sigh/lib/sigh/runner.rb:221:in `devices_to_use'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/fastlane-2.218.0/sigh/lib/sigh/runner.rb:182:in `create_profile!'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/fastlane-2.218.0/sigh/lib/sigh/runner.rb:54:in `run'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/fastlane-2.218.0/sigh/lib/sigh/manager.rb:8:in `start'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/fastlane-2.218.0/sigh/lib/sigh/commands_generator.rb:62:in `block (2 levels) in run'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/commander-4.6.0/lib/commander/command.rb:187:in `call'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/commander-4.6.0/lib/commander/command.rb:157:in `run'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/commander-4.6.0/lib/commander/runner.rb:444:in `run_active_command'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/fastlane-2.218.0/fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/ui/fastlane_runner.rb:124:in `run!'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/commander-4.6.0/lib/commander/delegates.rb:18:in `run!'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/fastlane-2.218.0/sigh/lib/sigh/commands_generator.rb:140:in `run'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/fastlane-2.218.0/sigh/lib/sigh/commands_generator.rb:17:in `start'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/fastlane-2.218.0/fastlane/lib/fastlane/cli_tools_distributor.rb:115:in `take_off'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/gems/fastlane-2.218.0/bin/fastlane:23:in `<top (required)>'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/bin/fastlane:25:in `load'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/bin/fastlane:25:in `<main>'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:22:in `eval'
	from /Users/martingonzalez/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:22:in `<main>'


🚫 fastlane environment 🚫


Key Value
OS 14.2.1
Ruby 3.0.0
Bundler? false
Git git version 2.39.3 (Apple Git-145)
Installation Source ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0/bin/fastlane
Host macOS 14.2.1 (23C71)
Ruby Lib Dir ~/.rvm/rubies/ruby-3.0.0/lib
OpenSSL Version OpenSSL 1.1.1t 7 Feb 2023
Is contained false
Is homebrew false
Is installed via false
Xcode Path /Applications/
Xcode Version 15.2
Swift Version 5.9.2

System Locale

Variable Value

fastlane files:

No Fastfile found

No Appfile found

fastlane gems

Gem Version Update-Status
fastlane 2.217.0 🚫 Update available

Loaded fastlane plugins:

No plugins Loaded

Loaded gems
Gem Version
did_you_mean 1.5.0
executable-hooks 1.6.1
bundler-unload 1.0.2
rubygems-bundler 1.4.5
bundler 2.4.17
pathname 0.1.0
artifactory 3.0.15
babosa 1.0.4
CFPropertyList 3.0.6
colored 1.2
highline 2.0.3
commander 4.6.0
dotenv 2.8.1
emoji_regex 3.2.3
faraday_middleware 1.2.0
unf 0.1.4
domain_name 0.5.20190701
http-cookie 1.0.5
faraday-cookie_jar 0.0.7
gh_inspector 1.1.3
google-apis-playcustomapp_v1 0.13.0
google-cloud-env 1.6.0
google-cloud-errors 1.3.1
google-cloud-core 1.6.0
google-apis-iamcredentials_v1 0.17.0
google-apis-storage_v1 0.19.0
google-cloud-storage 1.44.0
mini_magick 4.12.0
naturally 2.2.1
optparse 0.1.1
plist 3.7.0
rubyzip 2.3.2
security 0.1.3
simctl 1.6.10
terminal-notifier 2.0.0
terminal-table 3.0.2
tty-screen 0.8.1
tty-cursor 0.7.1
tty-spinner 0.9.3
word_wrap 1.0.0
rouge 2.0.7
xcpretty 0.3.0
xcpretty-travis-formatter 1.0.1
set 1.0.1
public_suffix 5.0.3
addressable 2.8.5
aws-eventstream 1.2.0
aws-sigv4 1.8.0
aws-partitions 1.844.0
jmespath 1.6.2
aws-sdk-core 3.186.0
aws-sdk-kms 1.72.0
aws-sdk-s3 1.136.0
rexml 3.2.6
excon 0.104.0
ruby2_keywords 0.0.5
faraday-retry 1.0.3
faraday-rack 1.0.0
faraday-patron 1.0.0
faraday-net_http_persistent 1.2.0
faraday-net_http 1.0.1
multipart-post 2.3.0
faraday-multipart 1.0.4
faraday-httpclient 1.0.1
faraday-excon 1.1.0
faraday-em_synchrony 1.0.0
faraday-em_http 1.0.0
faraday 1.10.3
fastimage 2.2.7
webrick 1.8.1
httpclient 2.8.3
multi_json 1.15.0
jwt 2.7.1
signet 0.18.0
os 1.1.4
googleauth 1.8.1
mini_mime 1.1.5
retriable 3.1.2
trailblazer-option 0.1.2
declarative 0.0.20
uber 0.1.0
representable 3.2.0
google-apis-core 0.11.2
google-apis-androidpublisher_v3 0.51.0
rake 13.1.0
digest-crc 0.6.5
json 2.6.3
unicode-display_width 2.5.0
nanaimo 0.3.0
colored2 3.1.2
claide 1.1.0
atomos 0.1.3
xcodeproj 1.23.0
forwardable 1.3.2
logger 1.4.3
shellwords 0.1.0
cgi 0.2.0
date 3.1.0
timeout 0.1.1
stringio 3.0.0
securerandom 0.1.0
uri 0.10.1
openssl 2.2.0
io-nonblock 0.1.0
ipaddr 1.2.2
io-wait 0.1.0
zlib 1.1.0
resolv 0.2.0
digest 3.0.0
time 0.1.0
open-uri 0.1.0
mutex_m 0.1.1
net-protocol 0.1.0
net-smtp 0.2.1
ostruct 0.3.1
english 0.7.1
erb 2.2.0
strscan 3.0.0
abbrev 0.1.0
io-console 0.5.6
tempfile 0.1.1
delegate 0.2.0
fileutils 1.5.0
tmpdir 0.1.1
base64 0.1.0
singleton 0.1.1
open3 0.1.1
nkf 0.1.0
prettyprint 0.1.0
pp 0.1.0
find 0.1.0
yaml 0.1.1
psych 3.3.0
ox 2.13.2

generated on: 2024-03-13

Closing it in favour of #21925