
Can't upload build to Test Flight; [!] undefined method `refresh!'

g1umov opened this issue · 3 comments

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Issue Description

I see the following error message: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/fastlane-2.220.0/spaceship/lib/spaceship/connect_api/api_client.rb:189:in rescue in with_asc_retry': [!] undefined method refresh!' for nil (NoMethodError) @token.refresh!
when I try to upload a build to Test Flight. And fastlane logins to App Store Connect successfully.
I'm using the two-factor authentication method.

Command executed

lane :upload do |options| upload_to_testflight( ipa: ENV['IPA_PATH'], skip_submission: true, skip_waiting_for_build_processing: true, app_identifier: ENV['BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER'] ) end

we are getting the same

Same here

The error message you’re encountering suggests that the @token.refresh! method is undefined. To resolve this, ensure that your authentication token is valid and properly configured. You might need to reauthenticate or check your credentials.
Publix Passport Additionally, consider updating Fastlane to the latest version to address any potential issues.