
@fastlane-bot migration to GitHub Actions

mollyIV opened this issue · 0 comments


Based on the proposal, we would like to migrate to GitHub Actions. This will bring a bunch of improvements:

  • well tested and small, single job focused code (an action)
  • bot's reactiveness improvements (by using web hooks)
  • easier contribution
  • no need for running a dedicated server for a bot
  • there are plenty of actions ready to be used in production, i.e. stale
  • switching the mindset from fastlane bot code to reusable and useful for others
  • bot's icon and messages improvements
  • documentation

GitHub Actions to be implemented and activated

We will need to implement the following actions:

Anyone is more than welcome to help 🙌 Please open a new issue for an action you'd like to implement and link it to this very issue.