
Recent Update of login API

Marindrew opened this issue · 3 comments

So, Apple updates their APIs

Now the Login URL is
with appliation/json POST request with the following parameters:

it will respond with "X-SESS", "site" and "aa" cookie. After this point I am stuck, as the website somehow gets "wosid" cookie, couldn't track it so far.

Any suggestions?

Yes, it's already been implemented on spaceship: fastlane-old/spaceship@d55a43a

@Marindrew did you get any further with this? I looked at the code on spaceship but it wasn't obvious how to get it working. I am getting back cookies from that URL but not sure what's need to auth correctly.

We run our scripts with Python, hence why Spaceship isn't ideal for the use case.

@TiernanKennedy Hi TiernanKennedy, can you help me ,I want to know how to use the api with Python, as konw little about Ruby ,I felt very confuse.I hope you can give me a simple example to use the api, Thanks very very much.