
how to use the api and get our app scores?

diaojunxian opened this issue · 3 comments

I had used fastlane gym and pilot sapceship several times,but I only used the command like

DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/" pilot upload --verbose 
--username ${username} --app_identifier ${bundle_id} 
--changelog ${changelog} --ipa ${ipa_path} --distribute_external 
${distribute_external} --apple_id ${apple_id} --team_id ${team_id} 
--team_name "${team_name}" 
--dev_portal_team_id ${dev_portal_team_id} 
--itc_provider "${itc_provider}"

Now I want to get our app scores and something others like this picture

The picture in pilot issue

@KrauseFx How can I used the api to get these things? Can you help me? Thanks very much and the fastlane tools are great good.

You can use a web proxy (e.g. Charles Web Proxy) to track the network traffic of your browser 👍

@KrauseFx thanks a lot,and I had download Paw,and enter out iTunes Connect credentials in the Default Domain settings,app_id,username,password,and respones status_code is 302,and can also can get the respone is

HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2016 02:36:56 GMT
x-apple-jingle-correlation-key: xxxxxx
x-apple-application-site: NWK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
apple-originating-system: MZLabel
strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000
x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
apple-tk: false
apple-seq: 0
Set-Cookie: wosid=xxxxx; version="1"; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: woinst=xxx; version="1"; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
apple-timing-app: 60 ms
Cache-Control: private
Cache-Control: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-store
Cache-Control: must-revalidate
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Expires: Thu, 13-Oct-2016 22:28:16 GMT
Location: /WebObjects/iTunesConnect.woa

but when I get,it reports that 401 Unauthorizedand I had deleting the cookies and sending a new login request again and again,how can I slove it and make it work

@KrauseFx I found itc-api-docs can't work now,also I used spaceship but I can't get something I want from ITC like scores, so can you update itc-api-docs agian?