
Can we trigger distribute to external users?

ergunkocak opened this issue · 1 comments


First of all thanks for a very usefull tool.

This not an issue but a question. Is it possible to trigger, distribute to external users when build processing is done? I want to automate to distribution to external users. Waiting for Apple process blocks my build flow so i want to separate the waiting and distribution.


Hi @ergunkocak !

Not by using watchbuild alone, you'd have to implement a customized solution on your own, using watchbuild as part of it.

If being notified via Slack would be enough for your use case, you can use this tool I built: - note that it doesn't automate the distribution, it just means that you'd be notified in Slack, and then you'd have to manually run the command you normally use to distribute your build to external users (e.g. via fastlane).

Hope this helps!