
Hangs with macOS High Sierra

lemonkey opened this issue · 2 comments

Recently I noticed that until I dismissed the notification that is generated by watchbuild in my CI environments, a Jenkins job that runs using watchbuild will hang.

I will note that this is with macOS High Sierra. I don't remember this being a problem in the past.

Also, if you enable "do not disturb", watchbuild will hang indefinitely.

WatchBuild v0.2.0

Hello, @lemonkey
Are you still using this and facing the issue? Could you please try to upgrade the terminal-notifier gem? I thought this issue could be resolved by upgrading to their new release.

I have exactly the same issue. Watchbuild hangs until I interact with notification what makes it impossible in use in CI. It worked well in Sierra.

Any suggestion how to workaround it? @lemonkey have you found any solution yet?