
Deploying to Bintray

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi @fastluca!

this is somehow related to #6. I need to use JRis as a maven dependency and just uploaded my fork to a private repository I made quickly on Bintray. It does not take long (10-15 minutes). master...miguelalba:master

If you are interested, we could setup an official Bintray repo for JRis and I would remove mine.


Hi @miguelalba
Thank you for your contribution! I'm really interested and it will be great!

Thank you,

Hi @fastluca,

Bintray is free for open source projects and you can sign in with your Github account. Once inside you can either create your repositories on your personal account or a team like in Github. If you create a Maven repository (which is already preconfigured), then you would need to add a package for each library that you may want to upload to that repository.

Captura de pantalla 2020-04-24 a las 11 05 54

This picture shows my repository. Once you create your repository the package can be quickly added with the Add new package button.

Getting your Bintray key

Captura de pantalla 2020-04-24 a las 11 11 48
For retrieving your API token in Bintray, you need to go your profile, edit profile and select the last option, API Key.

Setting up the repository in JRis

With the package created, you can get help to setup the repository in JRis by clicking the Set me up button.
Captura de pantalla 2020-04-24 a las 11 08 09

There are two steps here:

  1. You need to configure your maven settings with your Bintray credentials to upload. You could just take the example from the Maven documentation and replace the server in the example with the one from the Bintray documentation.
  2. In your pom file, you would need to a like in the instructions. Please watch that you use the same server id as in your maven settings.

Using your repository

Finally, to use your JRis, endusers need to add it manually to their pom files like in the instructions Resolving artefacts using Maven from the Set me up button (blue). I used


For more help you can see And please write me if you need any help.