
Minimum required pushpin.conf?

aleclarson opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm binding a host directory to /etc/pushpin with a custom pushpin.conf and I'm wondering which settings are required for Pushpin to work as expected. With a setup like this..


..I'm seeing the following crash on startup with these logs..

[INFO] 2020-07-26 21:22:23.304 starting...
[INFO] 2020-07-26 21:22:23.309 using config: /etc/pushpin/pushpin.conf
[WARN] 2020-07-26 21:22:23.331 rundir in [runner] section is deprecated. put in [global]
[ERR] 2020-07-26 21:22:23.332 no mongrel2 ports configured

Okay, thanks to the example pushpin.conf, I think I've got it:


Hmm, nevermind, still having trouble, but at least no crashing on startup.

Is there a way to extend the example config?

You probably need some [handler] config for the internal ports to listen on.

There isn't a way to extend the example config, but you could perhaps start from it and keep taking away options until you have the most minimal config that would work.

I ended up copying the example config and editing that.

Ideally, I could do the following:


..and it would work. Maybe some saner defaults are in order?