
Ignored messages

davidkralprofinit opened this issue · 6 comments


my setup is: nginx->pushpin->Java backend

routes: * server_name:8080,over_http

I am using fanout/pushpin:1.28.0.

Everything works great untill i try to send more than 2 messages right after each other.

I can see first two messages in log, but the third is not there:

[INFO] 2020-11-20 09:40:04.112 [zurl] IN id=be851d21-ae4a-4c16-a286-855c3473dc6e, POST http://pushpin/api/websocket
[INFO] 2020-11-20 09:40:04.648 [zurl] OUT id=be851d21-ae4a-4c16-a286-855c3473dc6e code=200 177
[INFO] 2020-11-20 09:40:04.668 [handler] subscribe ws://pushpin/api/websocket channel=channelName1
[INFO] 2020-11-20 09:40:04.672 [zurl] IN id=706c9b58-fb4d-4d94-983e-fe94ed5fb9c0, POST http://pushpin/api/websocket
[INFO] 2020-11-20 09:40:05.052 [zurl] OUT id=706c9b58-fb4d-4d94-983e-fe94ed5fb9c0 code=200 177
[INFO] 2020-11-20 09:40:05.054 [handler] subscribe ws://pushpin/api/websocket channel=channelName2

If I use some kind of delays, all messages are deliviered.



You are saying if the client sends 3 messages, only 2 are being sent to the backend server?

One possibility is the messages are getting batched. The second request to the backend might contain two messages.


You are right, second and third message are batched. Is it possible to disable batching? A have not found any option.

Thank you very much

Yes, try the one_event route target parameter.

Works great, thank you.

No problem. :) I'll close this issue then.