
Uninitialized values warnings in the log

blackpaulillyria opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, seeing lots of warnings for this issue in the log. I contacted the author here robn/Prometheus-Tiny#10 but he then pointed out it's an authentication_milter issue

Warning: Use of uninitialized value $lv in substitution (s///) at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/Prometheus/ line 28.
Warning: Use of uninitialized value $lv in substitution (s///) at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/Prometheus/ line 29.
Warning: Use of uninitialized value $lv in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/Prometheus/ line 30.

This can sometimes happen if distzilla is skipped when building, the missing values would be module version numbers which were not set.
Did you build from source without using dzil?

If not, could you let me know the version you are running, and let me have a copy of your config with any private values redacted.


Ahh that would explain it .. so it is not a bug. It was installed by just being packaged to txz and then added via pkg add. I will install it using one of the recommended ways

Here is the config in case you still need it.

P.S. One question related to loading/executing order of handlers. Are they loaded/executed alphabetically or by their order inside the config file?

    "comment"   : "WARNING! Be careful when overwriting this file as it might contain custom changes",
    "debug"     : 0,
    "dryrun"    : 0,
    "logtoerr"  : 0,
    "error_log" : "/var/log/auth_milter.err",

    "database": {
      "dsn": "DBI:Pg:application_name=auth_milter;dbname=***",
      "user": "***",
      "password": "***"

    "connection"             : "unix:/var/run/auth_milter.sock",
    "umask"                  : "0000",
    "runas"                  : "postfix",
    "rungroup"               : "wheel",
    "chroot"                 : "",
    "metric_connection"      : "inet:1313@localhost",
    "metric_tempfile"        : "/tmp/auth_milter_metrics",

    "listen_backlog"         : 500,
    "min_children"           : 20,
    "max_children"           : 200,
    "min_spare_children"     : 10,
    "max_spare_children"     : 20,
    "max_requests_per_child" : 200,

    "connect_timeout"       : 30,
    "command_timeout"       : 30,
    "content_timeout"       : 300,
    "dns_timeout"           : 10,
    "dns_retry"             : 2,

    "tempfail_on_error"               : "0",
    "tempfail_on_error_authenticated" : "0",
    "tempfail_on_error_local"         : "0",
    "tempfail_on_error_trusted"       : "0",

    "header_indent_style" : "entry",
    "header_fold_at": 77,
    "header_indent_by": 8,

    "dns_resolvers": [

    "handlers" : {

        "SPF" : {
            "enabled": 0,
            "hide_none" : 1,
            "hide_received-spf_header": 0,
            "best_guess": 0,
            "reject_fail_no_dmarc": 1

        "SenderID" : {
            "enabled": 0,
            "hide_none" : 1

        "DKIM" : {
            "enabled": 1,
            "hide_none" : 1,
            "check_adsp" : 1,
            "show_default_adsp" : 0,
            "hide_domainkeys": 0,
            "adsp_hide_none": 0,
            "extra_properties": 1,
            "no_strict": 1

        "XGoogleDKIM" : {
            "enabled": 1,
            "hide_none" : 1

        "DMARC" : {
            "enabled": 0,
            "hide_none" : 1,
            "use_arc": 1,
            "inherint_trust_arc": 0,
            "reject_action": "reject",
            "quarantine_action": "quarantine",
            "no_list_reject": 1,
            "whitelisted": [],
            "detect_list_id": 1,
            "report_skip_to": [],
            "no_report": 0,
            "config_file": "/usr/local/etc/mail-dmarc.ini",
            "quarantine_amavisd_port": "10071",
            "no_list_reject_disposition": "none"

        "ARC": {
            "enabled": 1,
            "hide_none": 1,
            "trusted_domains": [],
            "rbl_whitelist": "",
            "no_strict": 1

        "TrustedIP" : {
            "trusted_ip_list" : [

        "Sanitize" : {
            "hosts_to_remove" : [],
            "remove_headers" : "silent"

        "Blocker" : {
            "enabled": 0,
            "blocker_configs": [ "/usr/local/etc/auth-milter-blocker.toml" ]

Generally alphabetically, but there are some dependencies which can dictate the order they are run in.