
milter launch logs "Group Not Defined" & "User Not Defined" for existing & defined user & group

Closed this issue · 1 comments

pgnd commented

i've cpan installed,

Details for 'Mail::Milter::Authentication'
Author                   Marc Bradshaw (
Description              None given
Development Stage        Unknown
Installed File           /usr/local/share/perl5/5.30/Mail/Milter/
Interface Style          Unknown
Language Used            Unknown
Package                  Mail-Milter-Authentication-2.20200930.2.tar.gz
Public License           Unknown
Support Level            Unknown
Version Installed        2.20200930.2
Version on CPAN          2.20200930002

auth-milter json config,,

cat /etc/auth-milter/authentication_milter.json
		"runas"      : "auth-milter",
		"rungroup"   : "postfix-milter",

systemd service config,

cat /etc/systemd/system/auth-milter.service


id auth-milter && id postfix-milter
	uid=1008(auth-milter) gid=1001(postfix-milter) groups=1001(postfix-milter),1007(auth-milter)

on startup

systemctl start auth-milter

it launches

systemctl status auth-milter
● auth-milter.service - FastMail Authentication Milter Daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/auth-milter.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Mon 2020-10-05 09:40:01 PDT; 1min 9s ago
   Main PID: 37124 (authentication_)
      Tasks: 6 (limit: 9497)
     Memory: 100.9M
        CPU: 1.117s
     CGroup: /system.slice/auth-milter.service
             ├─37124 authentication_milter_testid:parent
             ├─37141 authentication_milter_testid:waiting(0)
             ├─37142 authentication_milter_testid:waiting(0)
             ├─37143 authentication_milter_testid:waiting(0)
             ├─37144 authentication_milter_testid:waiting(0)
             └─37145 authentication_milter_testid:waiting(0)

but logs

Oct 05 09:40:01 test authentication_milter_testid[37124]: Group Not Defined.  Defaulting to EGID '1001 1001 1007'
Oct 05 09:40:01 test authentication_milter_testid[37124]: User Not Defined.  Defaulting to EUID '1008'
Oct 05 09:40:02 test authentication_milter_testid[37124]: DMARC Preloaded PSL
Oct 05 09:40:02 test authentication_milter_testid[37141]: Child process 37141 starting up
Oct 05 09:40:02 test authentication_milter_testid[37142]: Child process 37142 starting up
Oct 05 09:40:02 test authentication_milter_testid[37143]: Child process 37143 starting up
Oct 05 09:40:02 test authentication_milter_testid[37145]: Child process 37145 starting up
Oct 05 09:40:02 test authentication_milter_testid[37144]: Child process 37144 starting up

it appears non-fatal; auth-milter operates

not clear yet if there are any operational effects

just a reporting error?

pgnd commented

the service needs to exec as default/root

-		User=auth-milter
-		Group=postfix-milter

so perms can be dropped correctly to config-specified

	"runas"      : "auth-milter",
	"rungroup"   : "postfix-milter",