fastpack/fastpack error

przemyslawjanpietrzak opened this issue ยท 5 comments

I'm trying to run fastpack on docker container node:8. But command npx fpack --development <file> returns me exit code 127.

Error message:
fpack: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Any hints how to fix it?

Thank you for the report! I am planning to rework the release process for the next release. There will be statically pre-built binary for linux (which I guess will cover your case) and macos binary which points to the standard locations of the shared libs (should fix #127)

Could this also be related to the very descriptive node:alpine error not found?

$ docker run -i -t node:8.11.1-alpine ash
$ cd ./tmp
$ yes "" | yarn init
$ yarn add fpack
$ ./node_modules/.bin/fpack -v
>> ash: ./node_modules/.bin/fpack: not found
$ docker run -i -t node:8.11.1 bash
$ cd ./tmp
$ yes "" | yarn init
$ yarn add fpack
$ ./node_modules/.bin/fpack -v
>> ./node_modules/.bin/fpack: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

@przemyslawjanpietrzak @zackferrofields I've just released the fpack@0.6.4 to npm. It contains the statically linked linux binary. Could you plz confirm if it works for you?

@zindel I've just tested this on node:8.11.1-alpine and it works ๐ŸŽ‰

Ok, closing this one. Mac's issue still remains though :(