
Action Plan should only include approved stories

JuanVqz opened this issue · 0 comments

Before we start...:

  • I checked the documentation and found no answer
  • I checked to make sure that this issue has not already been filed
  • I'm reporting the issue to the correct repository (for multi-repository projects)


Expected behavior:

The Action Plan generation should only include approved stories.

Actual behavior:

The action plan page includes all stories doesn't matter what status are in.

Steps to reproduce:

How do I achieve this behavior? Use the following format to provide a step-by-step guide:

  1. Visit http://localhost:3000/projects/2/action_plan
  2. You can see stories with a pending status

Context and environment:

Provide any relevant information about your setup (Customize the list accordingly based on what info is relevant to this project)

  1. Version of the software the issue is being opened for.
  2. Operating System Linux Mint
  3. Operating System version 21.2
  4. Browser Google Chrome
  5. Browser version Version 120.0.6099.224 (Official Build) unknown (64-bit)
  6. Device Dell XPS

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