
A React Native version of the current Reddit iOS application, with nested navigations and oauth implicit grant flow.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Native Reddit


A React Native version of the current Reddit iOS application, with nested navigations and oauth implicit grant flow. Some icons maybe different and some features missing. This serves as a base template for building your own Reddit app, copying or improving implementations and adding missing/custom features or pages. To use this app, you'll need to register a Reddit oauth application.


If you're here for an example of how to implement a certain feature/code, visit the following paths

3rd Party Libs used:

  • react-navigation
  • react-native-vector-icons
  • react-native-elements
  • qs


  • Fetch more posts
  • Add Loading Indicator
  • Set action for filter button
  • Set action for new post button
  • Enable requests fail gracefully
  • Add nested pages for posts, comments, settings, and others