Pass parameters
fatihdurmaz opened this issue · 2 comments
fatihdurmaz commented
How can I pass parameters to the action event of the button?
fatihdurmaz commented
import SwiftUI
import SwiftUISnackbar
import SwipeCell
struct PostListView: View {
@State private var share = false
@State private var delete = false
@StateObject var viewModel: PostViewModel
init(apiService: ApiServiceProtocol) {
_viewModel = StateObject(wrappedValue: PostViewModel(postApiService: .init(apiService: apiService)))
var body: some View {
let button1 = SwipeCellButton(
buttonStyle: .titleAndImage,
title: "Share",
systemImage: "square.and.arrow.up",
titleColor: .white,
imageColor: .white,
view: nil,
backgroundColor: .orange,
action: {
feedback: true
let button2 = SwipeCellButton(
buttonStyle: .titleAndImage,
title: "Delete",
systemImage: "trash",
titleColor: .white,
imageColor: .white,
view: nil,
backgroundColor: .red,
action: { delete.toggle() },
feedback: true
let slot1 = SwipeCellSlot(slots: [button1, button2])
List(viewModel.posts) { post in
NavigationLink(destination: PostDetailView(post: post)) {
HStack {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.swipeCell(cellPosition: .right, leftSlot: nil, rightSlot: slot1)
.overlay {
if viewModel.posts.isEmpty {
Label("No Results", systemImage: "tray.fill")
} description: {
Text("Not found posts")
.toolbar {
Button(action: {
let newPost = Post(userId: 2, id: 24, title: "Deneme", body: "Deneme İçeriği")
viewModel.addPost(post: newPost)
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "")
.snackbar(isShowing: $viewModel.isShowing, title: viewModel.title, text: viewModel.message, style: viewModel.isError ? .error : .default)
func deletePost(at offsets: IndexSet) {
for index in offsets {
let postIdToDelete = viewModel.posts[index].id
viewModel.deletePost(postId: postIdToDelete)
fatbobman commented
declare button in ForEach or List , like this:
List(viewModel.posts){ post in
let button1 = SwipeCellButton(
buttonStyle: .titleAndImage,
title: "Share",
systemImage: "square.and.arrow.up",
titleColor: .white,
imageColor: .white,
view: nil,
backgroundColor: .orange,
action: {
some share action // share post
feedback: true
let button2 = SwipeCellButton(
buttonStyle: .titleAndImage,
title: "Delete",
systemImage: "trash",
titleColor: .white,
imageColor: .white,
view: nil,
backgroundColor: .red,
action: { some delete cation }, // delete post
feedback: true
let slot1 = SwipeCellSlot(slots: [button1, button2])
NavigationLink(destination: PostDetailView(post: post)) {