
Collaborate and/or integrate with other labeled datasets like CoralNet and iNaturalist

Opened this issue · 3 comments

CoralNet - accomodate polygon localizations

iNaturalist - Need temp repo where people can verify ids.

Re: iNaturalist. The repo is to verify on iNat or FN?

Note: today we had the first BIIGLE user conference. One example mentioned FathomNet data to help in BIIGLE, and I asked about how to go back and use BIIGLE annotated sets to help in FathomNet. I believe scripts will be developed or could be proposed to integrate more between the two. To discuss (not done yet) on their github community: https://github.com/biigle

@claudenozeres I had written a demo ifdo (BIIGLE) to csv (FathomNet) converter for the BIIGLE devs. See #33