
Release v1.8.0

santisoler opened this issue · 1 comments

Zenodo DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10037888

Target date: 2023/10/24

Draft a Zenodo archive (to be done by a manager on Zenodo)

  • Go to the Zenodo entry for this project (find the link to the latest Zenodo release on the README.md file)
  • Create a "New version" of it.
  • Delete all existing files
  • Copy the reserved DOI to this issue
  • Update release date
  • Update version number (make sure there is a leading v, like v1.5.7)
  • Update version number in Title (use a leading v as well)
  • Add as authors any new contributors who have added themselves to AUTHORS.md in the same order
  • Ensure that the first author is "Fatiando a Terra Project" and others are listed alphabetically by last name
  • Save the release draft

Update the changelog

  • Generate a list of commits between the last release tag and now: git log HEAD...v1.2.3 > changes.rst
  • Edit the list to remove any trivial changes (updates by the bot, CI updates, etc).
  • Organize the list into categories (breaking changes, deprecations, bug fixes, new features, maintenance, documentation).
  • Add a list of people who contributed to the release: git shortlog HEAD...v1.2.3 -sne
  • Add the release date and Zenodo DOI badge to the top
  • Replace the PR numbers with links: sed --in-place "s,#\([0-9]\+\),\`#\1 <https://github.com/fatiando/PROJECT/pull/\1>\`__,g" changes.rst
  • Check that you changed the PROJECT placeholder when running the last command.
  • Copy the changes to doc/changes.rst
  • Make a Markdown copy of the changelog: pandoc -s changes.rst -o changes.md --wrap=none
  • Add a link to the new release version documentation in README.rst and doc/versions.rst (if the file exists).
  • Build and serve the docs locally with make -C doc all serve to check if the changelog looks well
  • Open a PR to update the changelog
  • Merge the PR

Make a release

After the changelog PR is merged:

  • Draft a new release on GitHub
  • The tag and release name should be a version number (following Semantic Versioning) with a leading v (v1.5.7)
  • Fill the release description with a Markdown version of the latest changelog entry (including the DOI badge)
  • Publish the release

Publish to Zenodo

  • Upload the zip archive from the GitHub release to Zenodo
  • Double check all information (date, authors, version)
  • Publish the new version on Zenodo

Conda-forge package

A PR should be opened automatically on the project feedstock repository.

  • Add/remove/update any dependencies that have changed in meta.yaml
  • If dropping/adding support for Python/numpy versions, make sure the correct version restrictions are applied in meta.yaml
  • Merge the PR

Conda packages are now up!