
Add OpenSSF scorecard score badge

Closed this issue · 0 comments

Discussed in #70

Originally posted by huornlmj July 17, 2024
Hi @fatihtokus . Many thanks for this brilliant Trivy module! in passing, I ran an OpenSSF (https://openssf.org) scorecard check on the repo as a method to encourage my colleagues to use your module. I don't know if you know of the scorecard but here is the current report of the repository. A high-scoring ossf scorecard badge could help you further garner more widespread usage.

$ scorecard --repo https://github.com/fatihtokus/scan2html

Aggregate score: 4.5 / 10

Check scores:
|  SCORE  |          NAME          |             REASON             |                                               DOCUMENTATION/REMEDIATION                                               |
| 10 / 10 | Binary-Artifacts       | no binaries found in the repo  | https://github.com/ossf/scorecard/blob/49c0eed3a423f00c872b5c3c9f1bbca9e8aae799/docs/checks.md#binary-artifacts       |
| 6 / 10  | Branch-Protection      | branch protection is not       | https://github.com/ossf/scorecard/blob/49c0eed3a423f00c872b5c3c9f1bbca9e8aae799/docs/checks.md#branch-protection      |
|         |                        | maximal on development and all |                                                                                                                       |
|         |                        | release branches               |                                                                                                                       |
| 0 / 10  | CI-Tests               | 0 out of 11 merged PRs         | https://github.com/ossf/scorecard/blob/49c0eed3a423f00c872b5c3c9f1bbca9e8aae799/docs/checks.md#ci-tests               |
|         |                        | checked by a CI test -- score  |                                                                                                                       |
|         |                        | normalized to 0                |                                                                                                                       |
| 0 / 10  | CII-Best-Practices     | no effort to earn an OpenSSF   | https://github.com/ossf/scorecard/blob/49c0eed3a423f00c872b5c3c9f1bbca9e8aae799/docs/checks.md#cii-best-practices     |
|         |                        | best practices badge detected  |                                                                                                                       |
| 0 / 10  | Code-Review            | found 29 unreviewed changesets | https://github.com/ossf/scorecard/blob/49c0eed3a423f00c872b5c3c9f1bbca9e8aae799/docs/checks.md#code-review            |
|         |                        | out of 30 -- score normalized  |                                                                                                                       |
|         |                        | to 0                           |                                                                                                                       |
| 3 / 10  | Contributors           | 1 different organizations      | https://github.com/ossf/scorecard/blob/49c0eed3a423f00c872b5c3c9f1bbca9e8aae799/docs/checks.md#contributors           |
|         |                        | found -- score normalized to 3 |                                                                                                                       |
| 10 / 10 | Dangerous-Workflow     | no dangerous workflow patterns | https://github.com/ossf/scorecard/blob/49c0eed3a423f00c872b5c3c9f1bbca9e8aae799/docs/checks.md#dangerous-workflow     |
|         |                        | detected                       |                                                                                                                       |
| 0 / 10  | Dependency-Update-Tool | no update tool detected        | https://github.com/ossf/scorecard/blob/49c0eed3a423f00c872b5c3c9f1bbca9e8aae799/docs/checks.md#dependency-update-tool |
| 0 / 10  | Fuzzing                | project is not fuzzed          | https://github.com/ossf/scorecard/blob/49c0eed3a423f00c872b5c3c9f1bbca9e8aae799/docs/checks.md#fuzzing                |
| 10 / 10 | License                | license file detected          | https://github.com/ossf/scorecard/blob/49c0eed3a423f00c872b5c3c9f1bbca9e8aae799/docs/checks.md#license                |
| 10 / 10 | Maintained             | 30 commit(s) out of 30 and 23  | https://github.com/ossf/scorecard/blob/49c0eed3a423f00c872b5c3c9f1bbca9e8aae799/docs/checks.md#maintained             |
|         |                        | issue activity out of 30 found |                                                                                                                       |
|         |                        | in the last 90 days -- score   |                                                                                                                       |
|         |                        | normalized to 10               |                                                                                                                       |
| ?       | Packaging              | no published package detected  | https://github.com/ossf/scorecard/blob/49c0eed3a423f00c872b5c3c9f1bbca9e8aae799/docs/checks.md#packaging              |
| 0 / 10  | Pinned-Dependencies    | dependency not pinned by hash  | https://github.com/ossf/scorecard/blob/49c0eed3a423f00c872b5c3c9f1bbca9e8aae799/docs/checks.md#pinned-dependencies    |
|         |                        | detected -- score normalized   |                                                                                                                       |
|         |                        | to 0                           |                                                                                                                       |
| 0 / 10  | SAST                   | SAST tool is not run on all    | https://github.com/ossf/scorecard/blob/49c0eed3a423f00c872b5c3c9f1bbca9e8aae799/docs/checks.md#sast                   |
|         |                        | commits -- score normalized to |                                                                                                                       |
|         |                        | 0                              |                                                                                                                       |
| 0 / 10  | Security-Policy        | security policy file not       | https://github.com/ossf/scorecard/blob/49c0eed3a423f00c872b5c3c9f1bbca9e8aae799/docs/checks.md#security-policy        |
|         |                        | detected                       |                                                                                                                       |
| 0 / 10  | Signed-Releases        | 0 out of 5 artifacts are       | https://github.com/ossf/scorecard/blob/49c0eed3a423f00c872b5c3c9f1bbca9e8aae799/docs/checks.md#signed-releases        |
|         |                        | signed or have provenance      |                                                                                                                       |
| 9 / 10  | Token-Permissions      | detected GitHub workflow       | https://github.com/ossf/scorecard/blob/49c0eed3a423f00c872b5c3c9f1bbca9e8aae799/docs/checks.md#token-permissions      |
|         |                        | tokens with excessive          |                                                                                                                       |
|         |                        | permissions                    |                                                                                                                       |
| 7 / 10  | Vulnerabilities        | 3 existing vulnerabilities     | https://github.com/ossf/scorecard/blob/49c0eed3a423f00c872b5c3c9f1bbca9e8aae799/docs/checks.md#vulnerabilities        |
|         |                        | detected                       |                                                                                                                       |
