
ngDragClone ask too much configuration

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Don't you find that there is too much configuration to do to use the ngDragClone ?

I've added some features the ngDragClone and now it's super easy to have a drag clone which copy the draggable.

It's part of the pull request of @bastbnl fork.

  • Now, when being hover a ngDroppable, the ngDragClone also gains the
    class "drag-over"
  • Attribute ng-drag-clone-group="groupename" let your specify a group to
    link a specific draggable to a specific ngDragClone
  • Now, the ngDragClone automatically copy the html and classes of the
  • You can deactivate the copy with the attributes on both, the ngDrag
    and NgDragClone by using the attribute ng-drag-clone-copy-class="false"
    or ng-drag-clone-copy-html="false"
  • Can add class to the clone by the ngDrag with the attribute

You can look at the "example-multiple-scrolls.html" for more details.