
When attempting to run `ryu-manager --version` after installing Ryu in a virtual environment, the following ImportError occurs: ImportError: cannot

engrabdinasir opened this issue · 1 comments

Ryu Bug Report

Issue Description:

When attempting to run ryu-manager --version after installing Ryu in a virtual environment, the following ImportError occurs:

ImportError: cannot

import name 'ALREADY_HANDLED' from 'eventlet.wsgi' (/path/to/eventlet/wsgi.py)

### Steps to Reproduce:

1. Create a virtual environment:

   python3 -m venv my_ryu_env

2. Activate the virtual environment:

   source my_ryu_env/bin/activate

3. Install Ryu and eventlet:

      pip install ryu eventlet==0.30.2

4. Attempt to run `ryu-manager --version`:

   ryu-manager --version

Expected Behavior:

The ryu-manager --version command should display the Ryu version without any ImportError.

Actual Behavior:

The ImportError occurs, preventing the successful execution of the command.


  • Ryu Version: 4.34
  • Python Version: 3.10.12
    Operating System: ubunto 20.04 lte
  • Virtual Environment: Yes


  • eventlet==0.30.2

Additional Information:

  • The issue persists even after downgrading eventlet to version 0.30.2.
  • Full traceback and error message are provided in the Steps to Reproduce.

Attempts to Resolve:

  1. Tried different versions of eventlet (0.33.3 and 0.30.2).
  2. Checked community forums for similar issues (provide links).


The issue is consistently reproducible.

This error has been mentioned in #166