
MinIO on Render

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

MinIO on Render

This template repository can be used to run a single node MinIO server on Render in a single click. It features SSD storage with automatic backups and fully managed TLS for MinIO.

Click the button below to deploy MinIO to your Render account:

Deploy to Render

This will create two web services:

  • A public MinIO S3-compatible API server with automatically generated username and password environment variables. This server does not include the MinIO web console, which is a separate service. Admin credentials can be found under Environment in the Render dashboard.
  • A web console for MinIO. You can use the username and password generated for the API server to log in, but MinIO does not recommend it for security reasons. Instead, create a new user with the mc CLI. You can use the instructions at https://github.com/minio/console#setup.

The two services above are defined in render.yaml and can be customized as needed. Note that you don't need to run the console; you can deploy MinIO and interact with it using mc, MinIO's command line tool linked above. To do this, remove the minio-console web service from render.yaml.