
This never works... still bug!

emper0r opened this issue · 1 comments

This never works... still bug!

Stato: Connessione a
Stato: Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto...
Stato: Server non sicuro, non supporta FTP su TLS.
Stato: Accesso effettuato
Stato: Lettura elenco cartelle...
Comando: PWD
Risposta: 257 "/"
Comando: TYPE I
Risposta: 200 Switching to Binary mode.
Comando: PASV
Risposta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,82,108).
Comando: LIST
Errore: La connessione dati non può essere stabilita. ECONNREFUSED - Connessione rifiutata dal server

Docker on server centos
[root@centos-7-125 ~]# docker run -d -v hosting:/home/vsftpd -p 20:20 -p 21:21 -p 21100-21110:21100-21110 -e FTP_USER=vhost -e FTP_PASS=vpassword -e PASV_ADDRESS= -e PASV_MIN_PORT=21100 -e PASV_MAX_PORT=21110 --name vsftpd --restart=always fauria/vsftpd

can't see directory only login....

Tue Mar 5 15:24:16 2019 [pid 21] CONNECT: Client ""
Tue Mar 5 15:24:16 2019 [pid 20] [vhost] OK LOGIN: Client ""

!! but never connect to see directories !!

Filezilla setting on pasive mode and / or active using port max/min 21110 / 21100
never hit!

Originally posted by @emper0r in #1 (comment)

Now Works....

The issue is using PASV_ADDRESS=

  • Must be the IP address of the Docker server where fauria-vsftpd container is running.