
Chess Openings

Closed this issue · 4 comments

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I would like to add a section to pbchess learn for famous chess openings.

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I would like to write about some famous chess openings like Sicilian Defense, King's Gambit, Ruy Lopez, Danish Gambit and so on along with proper images and ideas behind these openings.

@rahulrj1 Would you be interested in writing an article namely, chess_openings.md?
For more details on the write-up format, please refer to the issue #25

yes, I am interested.

@fave77 Am I allowed to make a folder "Images" in .github/lessons/ to put the relevant images or is there any another particular location where I should put the images?

@rahulrj1 no need to create a folder, you can host the image on GitHub itself, check here