

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Tell me how to connect your database mysql
I specify paratmetry
--db-type mysql --db-name pogo --db-user pogo --db-pass pogo18407506 --db-host --db-port 3306
error: unrecognized arguments: --db-type mysql --db-name pogo --db-user pogo --db-pass pogo18407506 --db-host --db-port 3306

As per documentation:
Have fun!

if not difficult to tell where to insert it exactly?

Optional: You can tell PoGoMap to use MySQL or PostgreSQL. You will need to install a python interface for the database system of your choice (i.e. pip install mysqlclient for MySQL or pip install psycopg2 for PostgreSQL). You will also need to specify the --db flag when starting runserver.py and pass it a valid database url string as specified in the Peewee docs.

python ./runserver.py -H -P 5000 --db mysql://user_id:passwd@ip_addr:3306/db_name

many thanks. Tell me you're planning to add support for pokestop?

You can use this pull request to add pokestops to your map: #362