
Launch it on a server

Closed this issue · 7 comments


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My Issue

Hello i have a question, I am a beginner i succeeded to launch the scrypt and notifications with telegram but i have a question is it possible to launch this on a server so as not to let it run computer? I search on the net but i didn't succeed
Thank you

Well, I have it up and running on an simple PI (always on).

What parameters did you run it with, because I have to restart it every few hours after no response :(

Well, first of all, I'm using an PI 2 with USB stick. This is due to the mysql DB, otherwise, the SD card will be damaged within 1.5 days.

python./runserver.py -H -P 5000 --db mysql://db_user:db_password@localhost:3306/pogom &

It's now more then 4 weeks up and running without any issues.

Thanks, will try it later today :D

Do you know if Ubuntu Server can reboot automatically?

Every once and awhile, so it can take a break.

Depends on the trigger / event you want to use. Via crontab it can be done e.g. every hour or x hour.

You can creat a crontab for stop map and after some time restart.