
No surah's in API

fawazahmed0 opened this issue · 4 comments

Assala-mu-alai-kum brother .How are you ? Actually, brother, I am new to a flutter, recently I finished the flutter course, so I am trying to practice building an AL-Quran Mobile Apps, That's why I am trying to use your API,In this API I don't find any surah, Just found sura list. So if you can give me the actual API where I can find the ALL Surah and I can complete this project, That would be very helpful for me.
Thank you!

@ismailhossainmaruf waleikum salam brother, I have copied your comment here, lets chat here.

This API is structured into editions(or translations)
So if you want to get list of all translations:

In below link, I am fetching complete bengali quran translation by muhiddin khan

Similarly for complete english quran translation by Abdel Haleem

I have created a simple app, which uses this api, here is the link to that app