
Danish translation is actually Dutch

0x1eef opened this issue · 6 comments

0x1eef commented

The dan-vandetaal translation is not Danish but Dutch - as far as I can tell. Should it be stored as nld-vandetaal instead ?

Thanks, will take a look.

Should it be stored as nld-vandetaal instead ?

Yes, I will have to create nld-vandetaal while still keeping the dan-vandetaal edition

0x1eef commented

Thanks for the quick reply.

Yes, I will have to create nld-vandetaal while still keeping the dan-vandetaal edition

I understand that makes sense from the perspective of an API version, but it might be misleading to those who assume the language is Danish. Maybe it is a good reason to have v1.1 of the API where the issue can be addressed by removing dan-vandetaal.

The translation is available in nld-unknown. I have updated the author name without changing the link

0x1eef commented

Alright 👍 Welcome to close if that resolves it.