
Propagate invalid extensions errors gracefully

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Ever since upgrading to a version of SockJS that uses Faye v0.9.x, my application is crashing periodically with this stack trace:

  [ 'SyntaxError: Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header: x-webkit-       -frame',
    '    at Object.Parser.parseHeader (/home/sic/projects/sic/node-server/node_modules/sockjs/node_modules/faye-websocket/node_modules/websocket-driver/node_modules/websocket-extensions/lib/parser.js:17:13)',
    '    at instance.generateResponse (/home/sic/projects/sic/node-server/node_modules/sockjs/node_modules/faye-websocket/node_modules/websocket-driver/node_modules/websocket-extensions/lib/websocket_extensions.js:92:27)',
    '    at instance._handshakeResponse (/home/sic/projects/sic/node-server/node_modules/sockjs/node_modules/faye-websocket/node_modules/websocket-driver/lib/websocket/driver/hybi.js:284:39)',
    '    at instance.start (/home/sic/projects/sic/node-server/node_modules/sockjs/node_modules/faye-websocket/node_modules/websocket-driver/lib/websocket/driver/base.js:80:22)',
    '    at /home/sic/projects/sic/node-server/node_modules/sockjs/node_modules/faye-websocket/lib/faye/websocket.js:27:18',
    '    at process._tickCallback (node.js:442:13)' ] }

Is there a way these errors can be emitted more gracefully so as to allow SockJS or my application to handle them?

This morning I also saw this--

uncaughtException: Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header: permessage-       ; client_max_window_bits, x-webkit-       -frame

Seems like the word "deflate" is getting blotted out.

This error should not be leaking out of websocket-extensions; if the client's header is invalid, we should probably just ignore it and establish the connection without accepting any proposed extensions. That's implemented in faye/websocket-extensions-node@62ac506.

I don't know why deflate is missing from your headers; nothing in the source code of faye-websocket, websocket-driver or websocket-extensions mentions the string deflate. That header should be passed directly from the server down to websocket-extensions without being modified, and I can't see any code in the above modules that modifies the header.

This sounds like some random proxy in between your clients and server is replacing deflate with whitespace.

I made a mistake in my original fix for this issue. The spec says that a server or client in receipt of an invalid Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header must fail the connection. I've implemented this in faye/websocket-extensions-node@c8f31cc and faye/websocket-driver-node@0034f5f. The server-side WebSocket should emit error and close in this scenario now, without sending a handshake back to the client.