
No socket error when network disconnects

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I have a little testscript like:

var WebSocket = require("faye-websocket");
var url = "ws://";
var socket = new WebSocket.Client(url, null);

socket.on("open", function() {
socket.on("error", function(error) {
socket.on("close", function(event) {
socket.on("message", function(event) {

If I run it, I get the following output:

MESSAGE {"server_id":"0"}

If I disable my network adapter I get following output:

ERROR Network error: ws:// read ECONNRESET

However, if I just unplug my network cable, I do not get any error notifications...
Both on win7 and debian linux.

The client relies on the underliying TCP or TLS stream to report errors/closes. Can you find out which events that object is emitting when you unplug the cable, if any?

Okay, I thought they did, but apparently TCP or TLS sockets also don't report when a cable is unplugged.
Looks like I'll have to use a hearbeat and detect it myself.