
[Question] Usage within ExapansionTile

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First thank you for this great package. I have implemented this fine on it's own page, and now trying to bring into an ExpansionTile(Expansion_tile_card from pub.dev to be exact). I'm getting an error that i believe is closely connected with the PageStorageKey required for restoring scrolling with ExpansionTile and how this also works within Dash. I'm using scrollcontroller based on how it is in the example (retrieving from GlobalKey). I'm not quite sure i understand that usage vs. passing in a scroll controller in constructor?

Any pointers/advice/clarifications, that could help me get this incorporated into the expansion_tile_card properly?

Thanks so much!

ScrollController#bd9a1(no clients), shrinkWrap: shrink-wrapping, dependencies: [MediaQuery]):
type 'bool' is not a subtype of type 'double' in type cast

The relevant error-causing widget was: