
How to run most basic example?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I tried to get a very basic example running. I managed to get it running in fay ide, but not outside of it.

main = 
    ready $
        select "body" >>= \body ->
        setHtml "abc" body >>= \jq ->
        return ()

When I run this in the fay ide, the abc string is displayed.
But when I compile this and attach in some html file, the page is as the code wasn't run.
Also, when I compile the example provided in this fay-jquery project, test.hs that is, I just see the page with Replace this string. That doesn't seem to be as intended. I can see that the code is referenced with script tag, so the plumbing isn't the source of the issue.

Any help is appreciated!

The test works for me, I compile with

fay --package fay-jquery test.hs

For your example: Do you get any errors in the javascript console? Did you include jquery in the html file?

Yes, I forgot to include jquery. That was stupid. Thanks

happy to help!