
Call onStartRecording callback after the countdown

alexeymetelkinpro opened this issue · 0 comments

Hey there!

I noticed that onStartRecording callback fires right after the record button is clicked, although if countdownTime is non-zero, then actual recording won't start at that moment (cause it's going to timeout on the amount of countdownTime)

Here is the code:

handleStartRecording = () => {
    if (this.props.onStartRecording) { 
      this.props.onStartRecording()             // <--- Calling the callback 

      isRunningCountdown: true,
      isReplayingVideo: false

    setTimeout(() => this.startRecording(), this.props.countdownTime)   // <--- setting the timeout on recording

  startRecording = () => {
    captureThumb(this.cameraVideo).then((thumbnail) => {
      this.thumbnail = thumbnail

      this.recordedBlobs = []
      const options = {
        mimeType: this.getMimeType()

      try {
          isRunningCountdown: false,
          isRecording: true                           // <--- setting up the recording flag

Basically, onStartRecording happens at the same moment as the countdown starts to count down, at the same time isRecording is flagged only when it is actually starts recording.

Wouldn't it be more consistent if we move onStartRecording call after the countdown?