chrome recorded vidoe can`t play in iphone safari browser
puspendra09 opened this issue · 4 comments
puspendra09 commented
when I record video in chrome browser using pc and stored in s3 bucket, that video play with pc browser but in iphone browser occur an error. Have an any solution to resolve this issue to play video with independ platforms.
malavshah9 commented
@puspendra09 Have you found any solutions yet?
puspendra09 commented
@malavshah9 No
BrocoliMew commented
Try to remove the mimeType in <VideoRecorder ... />
// mimeType="video/webm;codecs=vp8,opus"
Huzaifaahmed20 commented
I didn't specify the mimeType, but still it doesn't work on safari browser, any solutions?
My Code:
constraints={{ video: true, audio: true }}
onRecordingComplete={(videoBlob) => {
console.log('videoBlob', videoBlob);
const saveVideo = async (blob) => {
try {
if (blob) {
const videoFormData = new FormData();
videoFormData.append('video', blob);
await uploadVideo.mutateAsync({ payload: videoFormData });
} catch (err) {