
Problem f1 reply

Darkmagister opened this issue · 1 comments

hello, i'm try to user part of your code to do the ota update from an ionic app and an esp32
i'm writing the android part as new in angular and ionic, but the arduino esp32 part i'll try to use the most to test if it works, and now i'm avaing some issue,
i've managed to send the version of the esp32 at setup, on the app i'll check it and if it's different i'll start the update process,
i'll send an 0xFD to format the SPIFFS,
after that i'll send an 0xFF with the size and total number of packets
after that i'll send 0xFB with the number of the packet and the part of the firmware file itself
then i'll send 0xFC with the size of the packet and the number of that packet
at this point the esp32 should send 0xF1 to android, but here it's my issue the loop, when it enter the updating if and the request if, i will receive 0 0 on andorid
(i've tried sent again the version instead of 0xF1 but still i receive 0 0, because i was thinkig about some issue on the data structure on the rq variable)

any idea why that is happening ?


seems this is an issue with the received data on your app. I don't know about angular or iconic.
Check that you can receive data on your app