
[Announcement] Some txt2img options will be renamed soon!

fboulnois opened this issue · 0 comments

The original txt2img.py script is rapidly becoming outdated and some of the options from txt2img.py are hard to remember. Since then, stable-diffusion-docker has continued to add newer pipelines from diffusers like onnx, upscale4x and inpaint, add newer features like negative prompts and attention slicing, support newer models like stable diffusion 1.5, 2.0, and 2.1, and simplify and standardize options where possible.

In the future, some of the original txt2img options will be renamed for easy-of-use and compatibility with other tools and pipelines:

txt2img stable-diffusion-docker
--H --height
--W --width
--n_iter --iters
--n_samples --samples
--ddim_steps --steps