
REELS API Copyright Check Always Returns Error

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From the Meta for Developers Community Forum:

I've been running into some difficulties lately with uploading videos for both Reels and Stories on Facebook. Whenever I try to upload, the process seems to hit a snag, and I can't seem to get my content to go live.

Looking forward to hearing from you all and hopefully finding a solution together! Thanks in advance for your help."

Steps to Replicate
After Uploading Videos to the following Graph APIs https://graph.facebook.com/v19.0/page_id/video_stories https://graph.facebook.com/v19.0/page_id/video_reels
Checking the status of the Videos using this API https://graph.facebook.com/v19.0/video_id?fields=status
Response : { "status": { "video_status": "processing", "processing_progress": 0, "uploading_phase": { "status": "complete", "bytes_transferred": 151626 }, "processing_phase": { "status": "not_started" }, "publishing_phase": { "status": "not_started" }, "copyright_check_status": { "status": "error" } }, "id": "*****" }

It looks like this is happening to quite a few people when trying to upload a Reel, even when uploading the sample video used in this repo. Additionally, I'm not seeing any error handling for copyright checks when looking at the Facebook Reel Posting here. I notice this repo uses 14.0 - is this a known issue with 19.0?