
[Kanban] AppointmentRepository.GetAllAppointments does not return Comment text

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The behavior omits the detailed data, but it is not clear from the API.

            var response = (from a in _context.Appointments
                            join w in _context.WorkloadBacklogs on a.AppointmentWorkload.WBID equals w.WBID
                            orderby a.AppointmentDate descending
                            select new AppointmentViewModel
                                _AppointmentID = a.AppointmentID,
                                _AppointmentWorkloadWBID = a.AppointmentWorkload.WBID,
                                _WorkloadTitle = w.WBTitle,
                                _AppointmentDate = a.AppointmentDate,
                                _AppointmentHoursDispensed = a.AppointmentHoursDispensed,
                                _AppointmentUserUniqueName = a.AppointmentUser.UniqueName

The same happens to List<AppointmentViewModel> GetAllAppointments(string user)

However, GetAppointmentByID works as expected and returns the comment text.

        public AppointmentViewModel GetAppointmentByID(Guid id)
            var appointment = (from a in _context.Appointments
                               join w in _context.WorkloadBacklogs on a.AppointmentWorkload.WBID equals w.WBID
                               join u in _context.Users on a.AppointmentUser.UniqueName equals u.UniqueName
                               where a.AppointmentID == id
                               select new AppointmentViewModel
                                   _AppointmentID = a.AppointmentID,
                                   _AppointmentUserUniqueName = u.UniqueName,
                                   _AppointmentDate = a.AppointmentDate,
                                   _AppointmentHoursDispensed = a.AppointmentHoursDispensed,
                                   _AppointmentTE = a.AppointmentTE,
                                   _AppointmentWorkloadWBID = w.WBID,
                                   _WorkloadTitle = w.WBTitle,
                                   _AppointmentComment = a.AppointmentComment

Rename the methods to GetAppointmentsSimple.

Closing as by design.

Reason: There is no demand for implementation. Except for GetAppointmentsByWorkload, there is no use case.