
No single page apps are crawled

hydroid7 opened this issue · 0 comments

Issuing following command (either installing locally or in a docker container):

The good:heavy_check_mark: :

# htcap crawl example.com target.db
Initializing . . . done
Database target-2.db initialized, crawl started with 10 threads (^C to pause or change verbosity)
[=================================]   1 of 1 pages processed in 0 minutes
Crawl finished, 1 pages analyzed in 0 minutes 

The bad ❌ :

# htcap crawl https://elm-spa-example.netlify.app/ target.db
Initializing . . . done
Database target-3.db initialized, crawl started with 10 threads (^C to pause or change verbosity)
[                                 ]   0 of 1 pages processed in 10 minutes

The expected result would be to do any crawling, but nothing happens.
When opening chromium in non headless mode, one can see that no pages are opened. htcap stays on the about:local page.
Do I missing something or is it a bug?