
b230c067 make less ambiguous, so it doesn't require 2 attempts

Closed this issue · 1 comments



I used 2 attempts at solving this task. By making it more explicit, I think it can be reduced to 1 attempt.
Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 11 57 48

Attempt 1 - incorrect

At first glance, it seems the top-right object should be colored red, like this. But it's incorrect.
Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 12 20 23

Attempt 2 - correct

My second take. Objects with the identical shape gets colored blue, and odd-shapes colored red. This is correct.
Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 12 19 58


To make it less-ambiguous, I suggest rotating by 180 degrees on the first training pair, so it looks like this. This rules out the failed attempt 1.

Thanks for the reports. I issued a fix for this task (live at HEAD). The fix is to add a demonstration task.